Preserving the
Legacy of USPSA

Welcome to the USPSA Historical Preservation Website, where we are dedicated to preserving the rich history and legacy of USPSA, and educating future generations about the sport and its impact on the shooting community.

Discover the past, embrace the present, and shape the future of USPSA with us.

At the USPSA Historical Preservation Committee, we believe that understanding the past is the key to shaping the future. By exploring the rich history of USPSA, we gain a deeper appreciation for the sport and the community that surrounds it. We celebrate the achievements of those who came before us and honor the legacy they left behind. But our focus is not just on the past – we also embrace the present, recognizing that USPSA is a dynamic and evolving sport that continues to attract new enthusiasts every day. And finally, we strive to shape the future of USPSA by educating and inspiring the next generation of competitors, officials, and fans. Join us on this journey of discovery, appreciation, and innovation.

Simple Steps That Will Make a Big Difference

Preservation of Historical Artifacts

The committee focuses on preserving historical artifacts such as guns, targets, scorecards, and other items related to USPSA's history. This may involve restoring and maintaining existing items, as well as collecting and archiving new ones.

Education and Outreach

The committee aims to educate the public, especially the younger generation, about the history and legacy of USPSA. This may involve creating educational resources such as videos, articles, and presentations, as well as participating in outreach events and competitions.

Research and Documentation

The committee conducts research and documentation efforts to ensure that the history and legacy of USPSA are accurately and comprehensively recorded. This may involve conducting interviews with key figures in the sport, collecting historical records and artifacts, and writing articles or books about USPSA's history.

Promotion of USPSA's Legacy

The committee seeks to promote and celebrate the legacy of USPSA, both within the shooting community and beyond. This may involve hosting events or exhibits showcasing USPSA's history, collaborating with other organizations to promote the sport, and recognizing and honoring the achievements of key figures in USPSA's history.

Preserving the Past,

Shaping the Future.

Your donations help preserve USPSA's legacy for future generations.

The USPSA Historical Preservation Committee

“I have been deeply involved in USPSA for many years and have seen firsthand the impact that this sport can have on people's lives. It is not just a hobby or a pastime - it is a community, a way of life, and a legacy that we must cherish and preserve. That is why I am so passionate about my role as Chair of the USPSA Historical Preservation Committee. By preserving the artifacts, stories, and memories of USPSA's past, we are ensuring that future generations can share in the joy, excitement, and camaraderie that have made this sport so special. So please, join me in this important mission, and let us work together to honor and celebrate the heritage of USPSA.”
Donna Webb
Chair of the USPSA Historical Preservation Committee
USPSA Managing Director

USPSA Historical Preservation Committee Members

Maggie Reese Voigt

Committee Member

Todd Jarrett

Committee Member

Riley Bowman

Committee Member

Leighton Oosthuisen

USPSA Area 2 Director

Bruce Wells

USPSA Area 6 Director

Rick Brotzel

USPSA Director of IT


Be a Part of Preserving USPSA's History
If you share our passion for this amazing sport and want to be a part of preserving its history for future generations, we invite you to sign up for our newsletter. Our newsletter will keep you up-to-date on our efforts to preserve USPSA’s history, including upcoming events, new discoveries, and opportunities to get involved.

Recent Articles & Stories

Photos from the Archives

United States Practical Shooting Association
Historical Preservation Committee

The USPSA Historical Preservation Committee is dedicated to preserving the rich history and legacy of USPSA, and ensuring that future generations can appreciate and learn from this amazing sport.
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